Wednesday, November 3, 2010

What not to do...Job Seekers

and offcourse some to do...

Well I have seen a large number of Resumes and also taken interivew of lots of candidates. I wanted to give some thoughts about to do / not to do about the resume, telephonic conversation, interviews. Others are welcome to add / discuss any points.


1) Keep your point wise

a. Don’t keep paragraphs of information regarding your skills or background.

b. Always keep information point wise.

2) Highlight the key skills for the job for which you are applying. If you looking jobs in multiple fields (Ex. Developer / Tester / Etc.) keep different resume ready for each field. Each field would have some different skills which you need to highlight.

3) Don’t put too much of information in resume. Also what ever tool / skill / project you have put in to your resume you should be able to answers any question regarding to that.

4) In my experience half of the interview questions would come from what you have written in the resume.

Telephonic Conversations

1) Be professional always ask the basic information like job profile , job location in the first place.

2) If the job profile and job location meets your need then only take forward the talks. Other wise you would be wasting your and other party’s time as well.

3) Always make a note of Name of the person with whom you had conversation for future reference

4) When you give time to any person for telephonic conversation, keep you mobile reachable, well charged. Its not good to give these reasons for not attending the call.

Face to Face Interview

1. Do dress decently in official dress.

i. Even if the office is using casual dresses

ii. Interview is not the place to show off with casuals

2. Carry a copy of resume with you and 2 photographs even if not asked by the company. You don’t know when they would come in handy

3. Do ask permission before going in to the interview room

4. Do not seat down before you are asked to do so

5. If interviewer offer shake-hand give a firm shake-hand.

6. Listen carefully to the question asked , if you don’t able to listen to a question politely ask to repeat the question

7. But don’t ask every time to repeat the question , some time its ok not every time.

8. Do answer with truth, if you don’t know any thing admit it that you don’t know it. No one is perfect.

9. Study the basics well before going for interview.

i. Ex. If you going for Developer interview you should know the basics of the programming language.

ii. If you going for Networking / Security profile your networking knowledge should be sound. (Ex TCPIP / ISO Layers etc). For a fresher at-least there is no excuse to Not have knowledge of TCPIP

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Hide text in notepad

Hi there,
After some busy weeks, I am back. I had discussion with my regarding hiding text in the txt file using the notepad. So I am giving here the way by using which any text can be hidden in the notepad and you can have your own password for the hidden text also.
If you already dont know this go forwarding reading...

In windows you can hide some text in the txt file using only notepad and no other tool.

The way to do is ...

use following command to create a text file..

go to any specific folder of your choice in cmd prompt,
type command

notepad secret.txt:thisismypassword

Notepad will ask "Do you want to create a new file?"
Click "Yes"

Now the title bar of notepad should read like
secret.txt:thisismypassword.txt - Notepad

Edit and enter any text in this notepad file.

Close this file.

Go to windows explorer and navigate to that specific folder you will see only one file

If you open this file you will see blank. You can enter any garbage in this secret.txt also and save it. It will not change your secrte data which was entered earlier.

To reopen the secrete data type same command again

notepad secret.txt:thisismypassword

You will see your data again. When opening file like this you can edit it and change your secrete data.

P.S. Regards to Cybercrawler for his posts

Sunday, January 10, 2010

NullCon Security & Hacking Conference


If you too share the passion for knowledge, if a core dump brings glimmer to your eyes, if you want to share your hack with others and you have an inquisitiveness to learn, then nullcon is the place for you. If meeting hackers/researchers/phreaks in a 2 days event packed conference and the sun-bathed beaches of the tropical paradise called Goa won’t get you off your bed, nothing ever will.

So crack you knuckles, fire your Live CDs, dust your Debuggers and get ready for some serious action this February.

STATUTORY WARNING: nullcon can cause severe exposure to high octane gyan and could leave participants exhausted with wild shack parties. Beware, Be There.

For registartion visit

See you there at NullCon !!!